A few words about

What We Do

Institutions, Businesses and Governments no longer view data as the by-product of their activities, but as their biggest asset.

African Institutions, businesses, and governments use data with sustainable human capital for development.


We empower young people in research and knowledge creation and sharing by; mentorship and training on research skills, data management, analysis, and scientific writing and promoting data use for decision making.

Building capacity

Build capacity and empower young people in data-driven areas of research such as global and public health, epidemiology research, demographic and population research, development issues, geography, research methodologies in data sciences, public administration, leadership and management, as well as public relations and advocacy among other thematic areas.

Leadership skills

Empower and build the capacity of YASA members on management and leadership skills to promote sustainable leadership in Africa by; training members on leadership and management.

seeking partnerships

Seeking partnerships with organizations that equip young people with leadership skills and opportunities.

continuous learning

Promote a culture of continuous learning, knowledge creation, and sharing among earlier career researchers in Africa.

strengthening research skills

Contribute towards strengthening research skills and conference participation of young professionals in Africa.

Create contact channels and enhance knowledge and information exchange among members and experts at the continental and international levels.

Our Projects

YASA Community Service

  • YASA envisions a community service program to support mathematics learning in homesteads and communities.
  • We believe in parent-guided learning YASA will launch a community-based program and competition for parents to win prizes by supporting their children to excel in mathematics.
  • Work with Math students to introduce mathematics nights in their homes and design tasks for them to use at the math night events in their homes.

YASA Schools Programme

We envision a mathematics literacy program at both primary and secondary school levels where statistics is mainly introduced to students as part of mathematics.

  • The program will aim at preparing primary and high school students for success by deepening their understanding of math.
  • YASA will use a social and collaborative learning environment for students to access the support they need to increase their understanding of math.
  • We hope to build a collaborative network in machine-aided math learning with software developers and machine-learning experts to deliver a grounded program for schools across Africa.
  • We shall build a pool of math advisors from high schools to support in-school and inter-school exchange programs.
  • Run a school mathematics competition annually for lower secondary school students.
Want to make a difference?

Partner with us in building skills.

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