Benin Chapter
YASA in Benin is known as Benin Young Statisticians Association (BYSA). Although not yet formally registered, BYSA has been active in Benin since 2016 with the aim of developing a national hub of competencies in statistical fields which could make a great contribution to the attainment of the country’s global development goals.
Through partnerships, BYSA aims to create a national platform for Benin young statisticians for life-long capacity strengthening, networking and mentorship in order to make a strong hub of statistical knowledge and technical support to decision makers all over the country. In addition, Benin’s young African statisticians will also prepare national teams to take part in international competitions in the field, namely International Statistical Literacy Project, which organises an international competition every year.
With the support from partners, BYSA will organize training workshops for new graduates on emerging statistical tools usage such as R, STATA, SPSS, Cspro. New graduates will also be equipped with knowledge of scientific writing and proposal development.