Kenya Chapter
YASA in Kenya is known as ISIbalo Young African Statisticians Association of Kenya (IYASAK). YASA in Kenya has been operational since 2015, but was formally registered as an association/society with the Kenya Registrar of Societies on 27th September 2019.
IYASAK has collaborated with students’ statistical societies from Maseno University and Kenya Technical University as well as the School of Mathematics from the University of Nairobi.
The achievements arising from the collaborations so far relate to participation in statistical boot camps, taking part in organising conferences and opportunities to get meeting venues.
The society officials have been holding talks with the National Statistical Office (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics) and obtained a lot of support, especially during the time of registration. IYASAK aims to build the capacity of young statisticians in Kenya, bridge the professional gap and increase the interaction of young statisticians in Kenya.